Six keys to effective ERP implementation training for employees

Six keys to effective ERP implementation training for employees

No ERP implementation can succeed without employee training. Because ERP implementations entail significant change to the way employees work, training must be an integral part of a large system deployment. The problem, however, is that ERP training is not necessarily effective ERP training. Many enterprise system training initiatives erroneously focus on transactional training. In addition,…

8 Key Benefits of ERP in Construction Industry

In today’s highly populated and constantly advancing world, infrastructure, architecture, technological advancements and development of a nation depend on well-planned construction facilities. Where such fields face demands and challenges with regard to business management, transactions can be made simpler with the use of ERP in construction industry. Effective development of construction projects rely a great…

Why ERP Implementations Fail and Tips to Ensure Yours Doesn’t

Why ERP Implementations Fail and Tips to Ensure Yours Doesn’t

An effective ERP system is essential for any company hoping to be successful into today’s fast-paced and highly competitive environment. While most companies have an ERP system in place, few would call their implementation an unqualified success. There are common reasons behind ERP implementation failure and by keeping a watchful eye on these factors, you…