Data Lexicon in Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Service Agreements

In the realm of contractual commitments pertaining to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cloud Services, a lexicon of data-related terms assumes paramount significance. These distinctive terms function as the bedrock upon which intricate legal covenants are erected, serving as the glue that binds providers and consumers in the ethereal domain of data management. Datum Nomenclature Within…

Looking to the cloud for ERP

Future of cloud computing – Part IV

Cloud computing’s defining characteristics, such as rapidity, adaptability, and reliability, take on varying manifestations from one business to the next and even inside individual cloud infrastructures. Of course, large-scale clouds are crucial to the management, analysis, and administration of these tasks. Connected laptops, IoT sensors, and custom-made appliances are only some examples of the explosion in the number of edge devices designed to send and receive data.

Future of Cloud Computing

Future of cloud computing – Part III

When used to its full potential, cloud computing enables companies to concentrate on performance as directly as possible, with the least amount of fuss or disruption. When highly scalable and flexible computing technology fuses with current technology and processes, new benefits built upon the foundation of cloud computing — agility, mobility, flexibility, and security — emerge (whether on-premises or in the cloud).

Future of Cloud Computing

Future of cloud computing – Part II

But what exactly about modern computing technologies is so great? It goes beyond only computing power, storage capacity, and networking speeds. These are essential minimums, and cloud computing can provide them much more successfully than earlier techniques. But there’s more than that. Technology’s true worth isn’t in the materials it’s constructed of, but in the things it can do.

The future of public services must be data-driven

The future of public services must be data-driven

Many global government organizations have recognized the role that data can play in making them more agile and giving them the tools to adjust services as required. The pandemic has accelerated the Indian Government’s existing approach to data innovation and has likely helped inform its new National Data Strategy, which intends to remove barriers and improve collaboration across the public sector.